Wednesday, 1 April 2015

How Much Will That Hike In Mortgage Interest Rate Cost You?

Since the start of 2015, the Singapore Interbank Offer Rate (SIBOR) has been going up, exceeding 1% as of end March. Together with the spread, the interest rate is around 2% now. Just how much will the housing loan cost you now with a higher SIBOR?

1.5% Interest Rate
2% Interest Rate
2.5% Interest Rate
3% Interest Rate
3.5% Interest Rate
Purchase Price
Loan Quantum
Loan Tenure
25 years
25 years
25 years
25 years
25 years
Installment per month
Usage of CPF Funds
Cash Top Up
* assuming a 2-bedder condominium unit in the suburbs, a couple contributing a maximum of $2,100 per month to their CPF ordinary account.

We can see from the table that the installment per month will increase by $153 if interest rate goes up from 1.5% to 2%. Not a lot. On average, every 0.1% increase in interest rate will see a borrower paying $31 more every month.

Can borrowers cope with the increase in installment? It depends on the borrowers' profile and spike in interest rate. In the worst case (3.5%), the cash top up is $1,104 per month.

If the borrower manages to find a tenant, he would not have to top up with cash. But in this current market, it will be tough.

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